Potensi Desa - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rote Ndao Regency

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Publication of the Complete Enumeration Results of the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase II - Individual Agricultural Enterprises (UTP) of Rote Ndao Regency Livestock has been released Here

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Potensi Desa

Potensi Desa

June 16, 2020 | BPS Activities

In planning and evaluating development, the government requires the availability of regional-based statistical data and information. In this regard, up to now Podes' data collection is the only regional data base with the most complete content and scope. However, the rapid development that places village level areas as the subject of development demands the need for more renewable spatial data. Where these needs have only been available in the 3 year period. In this kind of scope the urgency of Updating Village Development Data (Updating Podes) 2020 is carried out. It is hoped that the results of updating the 2020 Podes can provide an up-to-date picture of village-level regional potential throughout Indonesia.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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