Evaluation of Statistical Data on Food Crops and Horticulture - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rote Ndao Regency

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Evaluation of Statistical Data on Food Crops and Horticulture

Evaluation of Statistical Data on Food Crops and Horticulture

October 17, 2024 | Other Activities

Today, an activity to evaluate statistical data on food crops and horticulture was carried out which invited the agriculture and food security department to discuss and share insights.

This activity was opened by Mr. Yustinus Siga, A.St as Head of BPS Rote Ndao Regency, then continued with the presentation of material by Fariz Aprilianzah, S.Tr.Stat. Through this activity, we hope to explore the potential and challenges that exist in the field. With collaboration and accurate data, we can also increase agricultural productivity and sustainability for a better future.

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