Development of Sectoral Statistics for Rote Ndao Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Rote Ndao Regency

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Development of Sectoral Statistics for Rote Ndao Regency

Development of Sectoral Statistics for Rote Ndao Regency

October 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Today, sectoral statistics development activities were carried out which invited 10 Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) of Rote Ndao Regency. This activity was opened by Yustinus Siga, A.St. as Head of BPS Rote Ndao Regency followed by presentation of material related to Evaluation of Sectoral Statistical Development (EPSS) by Isay Suhardjo H. Adu, SST., Recommendations for Statistical Activities (ROMANTIC) and filling in statistical activity metadata in each OPD by Nugroho Purnomo Aji, S .Tr.Stat., as well as Socialization of the One Data Rote Ndao Portal Website by Maraden Ayapi Patola, ST., M.Sc. as Secretary of the Communications, Informatics, Statistics and Encryption Service.

This activity is carried out to improve the quality of accurate and relevant data to support planning and policy making in various sectors. Through this activity, we hope to facilitate coordination between institutions, increase human resource capacity in data processing, and encourage transparency and accountability by ensuring data accessibility for the public.

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